World Intellectual Property Organization
Publications from the World Intellectual Property Organization can provide insights into complex technologies supporting businesses and policy development. In addition, internal HR data also needs to be better communicated to support its global members.
WIPO engaged Data Knowhow's Lisa Cornish to support improvement in its communication of data, including reviewing reports, advising in styles to meet accessibility, and building interactive tools to improve external communication. Lisa has supported the development of Global Innovation Index, WIPO Technology Trends report, and WIPO Workforce.
Lisa Cornish developed a data visualisation standard for WIPO to support use of colours, iconography and fonts across the organization, in line with branding standards. This guidance set the standard for the use of graphics in reports, including rules that would ensure the accessibility of graphics.
In reviewing reports, Lisa provided advice and guidance on simplifying terminology to improve accessibility. For the WIPO Technology Trends report, she developed two Tableau interactives supporting the report to improve access.
For the Global Innovation Index, Lisa was engaged to provide advice on improving charts and graphics to simplify the message. And for the WIPO Workforce report, Lisa was required to develop a Tableau interactive to produce a static and interactive version of staffing information across six languages. This publication is updated every six months providing critical information for stakeholders.
WIPO have begun the journey on improved communication of data through better visualisation standards. Information reported is now easier to understand, with simplicity a key component. With the use of interactive features, audiences are growing beyond IP analysts.